‘UN should play role in Kashmir issue’

LAHORE: President of Liberland Vit Jedlicka on Monday said that the United Nations (UN) should play its role in resolving the Kashmir issue according to their right to self-determination.
An event was organized by the Consulate of Liberland-Pakistan on Kashmir day. People from various schools of thought attended the event. President Liberland Vit Jedlicka and State Secretary Liberland Dr Tariq Abbasi addressed the event via video link.
In his address, President of Liberland said that UN should play its role in resolving the Kashmir issue. Liberland also based on liberty and we are libertarians and rights defenders. In his address, Dr Tariq Abbasi said, “The silence and apathy of the world community regarding Kashmir is unfortunate. UN should give rights to Kashmir people according to resolutions”.
Addressing the ceremony, Consul General Pakistan Faisal Butt said, “Pakistan’s struggle for Kashmir’s independence is commendable and the Liberland would do everything possible to help Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue.
United Nations has failed to implement its resolutions for the past seventy years.

The Kashmir issue will be solved not by bullet but by vote. Kashmiris’ sacrifices for independence will not go away”, he added.– Agencies