UN urged for efforts to help conflict-hit countries

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: Pakistan has called for greater collaboration between United Nations Security Council and UN Peace building Commission for promoting internal and cross-border reconciliation between the parties to the conflict to build peace and stability.
Participating in an ambassadorial-level Interactive Dialogue between the Peace building Commission and the UNSC, Pakistan ambassador to the UN Munir Akram said the Security Council could take greater advantage of the 31-member Peace building Commission unique capabilities, derived from its diverse membership comprising, troop-contributing countries and financial contributors to help people affected by conflict.
Addressing the root causes of conflict while promoting post-pandemic recovery in Africa, Akram said addressing root causes of Africa’s multiple challenges, poverty, political fragility, terrorist attacks, illegal trade of high-value natural resources, climate change and a debt crisis, as well as containing the coronavirus pandemic, should be at the core of peace-building and recovery efforts in the continent.
While authorising a peacekeeping mission to a hotspot around the world, he said the Security Council could consider allocating a certain percentage of resources, from the budget or from voluntary contributions, for community support projects, as winning hearts of local populations.