Unauthorised purchase

Despite visible symptoms of financial crisis and in some cases past experience of acute financial crisis within organisations, many myopic and mindless managers who are placed in authority positions in various public sector organisations continue their unauthorised purchase of unnecessary items. The purchase and procurement of such items always lead the organisation to massive financial crisis. The Purchase Policy and committee in public sector organisations must support the procurement of goods and services in a timely and cost-effective manner, while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, requirements must satisfy and appropriate business processes. If unauthorised purchase continues in different public sector organisations as it is reported from different parts of the country, financial crisis within those organisations may occur. The day is not far when those ill-fated organisations will not have the money to pay their regular employees. In many organisations where retired people are placed on contractual jobs and other on deputation from other departments without any reason, therein many employees have not been paid their overtime and hiring fee for months while regular employees are denied promotions on the sole irrational and inhuman ground that they have no money. If no money, then why this purchase of unnecessary items?
Hashim Abro