UNESCO should recognize Azerbaijan’s heritage sites

Moscow: Everybody remembers a number of anti-Azerbaijani statements made by UNESCO during the recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan (44-day war from late Sept. through early Nov.2020, ending with liberation of Azerbaijan’s territories), Russian historian, political analyst, professor Oleg Kuznetsov told.
Kuznetsov made the remark commenting on the question about why UNESCO representatives avoid visiting the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, while the ISESCO delegation visited the territories and expressed support for the country in its plans to restore the liberated lands. He stressed that the UNESCO officials are well aware that as soon as the organization’s delegation members arrive in Karabakh, they will be shown the foundations of the destroyed 63 mosques out of 67, as well as the plundered and half-ruined Orthodox Church in the vicinity of Khojavend city.
“Afterwards the delegation members will be taken to the destroyed Azerbaijani cemeteries, shown the places of historical and cultural monuments destroyed by Armenians amid the perfectly preserved Armenian worship sites,” said the analyst. “The members will somehow need to explain such a situation, but no one in this world wants to admit their mistakes, therefore UNESCO representatives don’t come and won’t be coming any time soon.”
According to him, there is only one way to preserve the prestige of this international organization in this situation. “Its representatives should come to praise Azerbaijan’s efforts to restore the damaged cultural heritage.
As soon as any more or less historically and culturally significant mosque is restored in Karabakh, it will be necessary to wait for the soon arrival of the UNESCO delegates who will highly appreciate Azerbaijan believing that everyone in Baku has already forgotten about the anti-Azerbaijani statements of this UN structure, made during the war,” said Kuznetsov.
The expert noted that if a registry of damage caused by the Armenian occupation to Azerbaijani historical and cultural values is drawn up through UNESCO, with its participation, or upon its approval, this document will automatically become the basis for Azerbaijan’s claim against Armenia at an international arbitration to pay compensation for the caused damage. “Everyone understands that the Islamic heritage in the occupied territories was destroyed by Armenians purposefully. Armenians sold Azerbaijani monuments as scrap metal, and the whole world is very well aware of the fact,” he said.
According to Kuznetsov, compensation for damage to the Azerbaijani historical and cultural heritage will expose Armenia, its church and the related culture.
Speaking about the necessary measures to be taken by UNESCO for restoration of the monuments in the de-occupied territories of Azerbaijan, the expert advised that a fair step on the part of UNESCO should be recognition of the register of the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan damaged as a result of the occupation. –PNP