‘Unilateral decision to close markets not acceptable’

Bureau Report

KARACHI: The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), raising voice against closure of marriage halls and restaurants, has warned the government of taking final decision after consultation with the stakeholders, who are creating millions of jobs in the country, as unilateral decision wouldn’t be accepted.
Talking to a delegation of the restaurants and banquet halls association members here, FPCCI President Mian Anjum Nisar said that marriage halls and restaurants industry are also one of the essential food sector and their closure will hit the overall economy of the country hard.
He appreciated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s decision not to shut down factories and businesses despite a spike in coronavirus infections. The food industry contribute largely to the GDP, and its closure would directly affect 50-60 allied industries, including meat, poultry, rice, cooking oil, flour, fruits/vegetables, crockery, clothing, shoes, , photography, wedding cards and jewelry, cosmetics, decoration, furniture, lighting and electronics.
“The permission of outdoor gathering and wedding ceremonies is not a practicable idea as it is not possible in winter, he said and suggested to allow indoor activities in marriage halls and banquets in limited capacity with strict implementation of SOPs,” the FPCCI President argued.
Mian Anjum Nisar said that being an elected body of the trade and industry across Pakistan, FPCCI also suggests the government to allow smooth running of the restaurants with at least 40% capacity, as this industry was affected heavily due to very late permission of reopening of restaurants during first wave of the pandemic.
He said that the marriage halls and restaurants were adversely impacted by the lockdown and the consequent economic slowdown. He said that banquet halls industry has suffered a lot due to the previous lockdown and now they should be allowed to work with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and government should facilitate it.