University of Gwadar joins CPEC Consortium of Universities

GWADAR: In order to pursue academic and research projects aligned with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Belt and Road initiative (BRl), the University of Gwadar (UG) has become one of the members of the CPEC Consortium of Universities.
The consortium includes 101 universities, with 29 from China and 72 from Pakistan.
Dr. Safdar Ali Shah, Director General of the CPEC Consortium at the Higher Education Commission in Islamabad, confirmed UG’s inclusion. “Academic collaboration under the CPEC Consortium of Universities is planned to support promising research partnerships between Pakistan and China, aiming at finding solutions to CPEC-related problems through joint research,” he added.
To better understand Chinese business practices, ethics, and laws, universities are advised to upgrade their libraries with Chinese publications and translations. The Ministry of Planning and Development also proposed making Chinese language a compulsory subject in all undergraduate programs in Pakistan.
The consortium will hold monthly meetings at each member university to discuss topics such as Chinese economies, industrial relocation, joint ventures, and policies for special economic zones to attract Chinese investors.On the other hand, To boost scientific research collaboration between China and Pakistan, Northwest A & F University (NWAFU), China, in partnership with Ayub Agricultural Research Institute of Punjab (AARI), Pakistan and China Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd. (CMEC) plan to exchange animal and plant germplasm resources and modern bio-health agricultural technologies.
During their recent meeting at NWAFU in late August, they decided to advance new agricultural technologies, foster emerging agricultural industries, and enhance productivity.
They agreed to focus specifically on cultivating crops like sesame and pepper. Previously, their collaboration successfully established demonstration model fields in Punjab for the cultivation of organic agricultural products. –Agencies