UNSC meeting over Afghan crisis

The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Director of the second Department of Asia of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zamir Kabulov informed the media men that Moscow, together with partners, is working on convening an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the Afghanistan situation in coming days. He was of the view that all though the meeting would be held but this will not change the situation and it is necessary to think beforehand. According to reports, British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab also expressed his concerns about the future of Afghanistan and called on the Taliban to end violence as they entered Kabul. As said, Dominic Raab also talked with Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi about the future of Afghanistan. According to the British Foreign Ministry, the two leaders agreed that the international community is united in telling the Taliban that the violence must end, and human rights must be protected. The unilateral US troops withdrawal instigated the Taliban to speed up their offensive against Afghan Army and the Spoilers both inside and from out of the country could not be restricted from generating their spoiling activities against the Peace process. In fact, the US strategy on Afghanistan witnessed complete failure both in diplomatic and militarily domains. The United States could persuade the Ghani government to limit its resistance toward the peace process initiated by the US administration, however Blinken remained apologetic toward Ghani’s ploy. On the other hand, the subversive role played by India is also not hidden by the world. Although Kabulov and other leaders are endeavoring to convene an urgent meeting of the UNSC on the Afghan issue however, no constructive response is expected from the UNSC under the control of India’s Tirumurti.