UNSC reforms & denial of justice

Pakistan has opposed the creation of new permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Addressing the first meeting of Intergovernmental Negotiations Framework during the seventy fifth session of the UN, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative at the world body Munir Akram said creation of new permanent seats will make the Security Council less representative, less effective, more divided and erode the principle of sovereign equality of the states. He reiterated Islamabad’s principled position for comprehensive reforms of the Security Council which meets the interests of all member states. The permanent representative said that the proposal of United for Consensus (UfC) group to have twenty-one non-permanent seats would redress the deficit of equitable representation in the Security Council. According to Munir Akram, it also accommodates the interests of all groups including the African, the Arab, the OIC and Small Island Developing Sates. UNSC is the most vital and power full arm of UN, it plays decisive role in addressing any matter relating to the World issues of war and peace. It has total 15 members, five permanent holding veto power and 10 non-permanent elected for two years term for representation of the region. Last time, the UNSC gone through reforms in 1963, when its non-permanent members were increased from 6 to 10. Many countries are struggling for attaining the status of permanent member of UNSC including Japan, India, Brazil and Germany. Besides it, three African Countries including South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria also want permanent seat at UNSC. India lobbying for UNSC permanent membership since 1955, while claiming to be the so-called biggest democracy, large economy and populations, participation in UN Peace keeping mission in the World etc. USA, UK, France, and Russia backing India for permanent membership of UNSC, due to their economic interests in the country. The World must realize facts and take notice of gross human rights violations against its minorities by the government of India. The Muslim, Christian, Sikhs and Dillats are the continuous target of systematic racial prosecution on the hand of Hindus fanatics. The case of Kashmir has become as curse for the Indian government at UNO, where it did not fulfill its obligations and commitments under resolutions on Kashmir dispute passed by the world body since 1948. India did not honour a single UN resolution on Kashmir issue till time. India has no moral or legal grounds to demand permanent seat at UNSC.
Pakistan has been opposing Indian claim for permanent seat at UNSC, while arguing different structural counterproductive strings which likely to limit the effective role of UN decision making body and overall UNO’s efficiency in regional and international disputes. The increase in the number of veto power will certainly lead to inefficiency of UNSC. Despite it, Pakistan needs to highlight other aspect of the case related to only South Asia region. That are the India’s irresponsible and aggressive behavior, non-responsiveness to UNO’s resolution, poor human rights record and borders disputes with all its neighbour countries. A dragon can’t be made policeman of the region. First, India must fulfill all UN obligations impending on it and after that claim any higher status or responsibility at the world forum.

However, India has achieved support of UNSC permanent members except China. India has gathered active support of United States at several international forums including UNO, FATF, NSG, G-20 and others. United States India strategic partnership aim at containment of China influence at international level. USA is substantially helping India to build its military might and economy to the role of regional power to counter China in the region and beyond. India has border disputes with China; therefore, China will certainly oppose India’s permanent seat in UNSC. As a matter of fact, UNSC at UNO and the group of P5 with in UNSC rendered the world body into an instrument for protection of their expansionist agenda. The veto power proved to be a big hurdle in achieving the basic objectives of United Nations. Pakistan and other countries must initiate efforts for abolition of veto power from UNSC.