UNSC renews curbs against South Sudan

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: The Security Council on Friday adopted a resolution to renew for a year, till May 31, 2022, an arms embargo against South Sudan as well as targeted sanctions of travel ban and asset freeze against individuals and entities.
Resolution 2577, which was adopted with 13 votes in favor and two abstentions, extends until July 1, 2022, the mandate of the Panel of Experts, which assists the work of the South Sudan Sanctions Committee. It expresses the Security Council’s readiness to review the arms embargo, through modification, suspension, or progressive lifting of these measures, in the light of progress achieved on five key benchmarks.
It requests the UN secretary-general to conduct, no later than April 15, 2022, an assessment of progress achieved on the key benchmarks. The resolution also expresses the Security Council’s willingness to consider adjusting targeted sanctions, including through modifying, suspending, lifting or strengthening measures to respond to the situation.
It also called upon all parties, organizations and Member States to cooperate with the panel.