US, China co-op urged over global virus combat

BEIJING: As the novel coronavirus continues spreading across the world, joint work between China and the United States, the world’s top two economies, is of particular importance to the global fight against the pandemic.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, China and the United States have seen their people help each other through this difficult time. When the disease broke out in China, U.S. organizations and companies extended their helping hands, which is highly appreciated by the Chinese people. To name some, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed up to 100 million U.S. dollars in emergency funding, much of which would help China bolster epidemiological research, emergency intervention, and the research and development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics. MedShare, an American medical non-profit organization, has donated 1.8 million respirators and 80,000 isolation gowns to China early February. The U.S.-based beverage giant Coca-Cola also sent 1.5 million surgical masks and 40,000 isolation gowns to China to support its anti-virus efforts.
In return for such solidarity, Chinese companies, non-governmental groups and individuals have offered support and assistance to the American people, who are suffering from the shortage of medical supplies. On Thursday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo expressed appreciation to Chinese telecom operator Huawei for providing tens of thousands of N95 face masks, isolation gowns, medical goggles and gloves. In mid-March, the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation said they would donate 1 million masks and 500,000 testing kits to the United States to help Americans fight against the epidemic. Chinese doctors have also been engaged in exchanging professional advice and anti-virus experience with their American peers. All these demonstrate the long-standing fond between the two peoples, which remains the foundation of the world’s most important bilateral ties. During their two phone calls since the epidemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump have touched upon cooperation. The two presidents, joined by other world leaders, also sat visually at the same table and exchanged views last week at the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit. –Agencies