US, China Trade War moves to media battle field

Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

China is the world second largest economy with GDP of over $13.37 trillion, chasing to cross US economy with full pace. Feeling left behind the US designed some trade barriers to hold Chinese economy behind, for as long as possible. President Donald Trump came forward in 2018 by starting tariffs setting on China, with the sole aim of forcing it to make changes to what the US called ‘unfair trade practices’. The 2019 saw ups and downs at the world trade stage, due to the uncertain trade negotiation between US, China.
This January both the States agreed over ‘Phase One Trade Deal’ and the accord was signed by President Trump and Voice Premier Liu He, in Washington. Things seemed to be settled down between the US and China, but last week the US opened another front with China, by announcing that five major Chinese State-run news outlets would be treated as foreign missions, and that they will be required to register with the State Department.
The unexpected move taken by the US government confirmed that the crisis between the two won’t resolve but will keep shifting from one pitch to the other, in this case from trade to media war. Similarly, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced to revoke the press credentials of three Wall Street Journal reporters working in Beijing, claiming that the WSJ had previously published a racist commentary entitled “China is the Real Sick Man of Asia” and had not apologized for it.
Both the events are different in nature, and might not have any connection, but it is not completely coincident to have happened in same week. The implication of both the events is yet unknown, but it is certain that both governments are head to head at the media front. As, the Chinese media persons will have to face limitations and restrictions under the US Foreign Missions Act. Similarly, if the US media outlets continue to published above mentioned headlines, the credential of their staff at China will be revoked.
It is also crucial to look into the uncertain development at the media front between the two States. As, the US will push harder on the Xinjiang issue, and China might refute in same manners. And, the ideological conflict between the two will intensify. This is no good omens and might add more to the confusion of both States. Although, it’s a fact that the Chinese government doesn’t want to pursue aggressive stance or react in the manners that the US does most of the time. But it doesn’t mean that the same pattern will continue. The world must realize that the sleeping dragon can wake up, if the eagle continue to tease.
In the relation between Chinese and American government is that the Chinese government has most of the time acted in restrained manner in handling disagreements with the US but the Americans have most of the time shown aggressive and offensive attitude towards China. Most of the conflicts have been aggravated by the US. The reason could be creating hurdles to slowdown the fast growing Chinese economy and influence.
At this critical stage, when the Chinese government is busy eliminating the Coronavirus epidemic, while most of the international countries supporting and encouraging the Chinese government in their fight against Coronavirus, the US started this conflict by putting restrictions on the Chinese media outlets. Similarly, the US media is also using racist slant in reporting epidemic, which is unethical. Virus never has any nationality or ethnicity. Many countries on the globe have faced epidemics, including the US. If the Chinese media comes to aid Chinese government and start a full scale racist reporting on the US, things will get chaotic. So, far the reaction of the Chinese media is within ethics and professionalism.
The US along with media continue to bash Chinese leadership, for the very reason to hold them behind. They are taking advantage of this critical time, when China is more focused on containing Coronavirus spread by postponing business operations, and taking other firm measures to curb the virus. The US persist to attract businesses from around the world, by propagating via media that China is somehow ‘evil’. The US is obviously unable to see the positive development in the fight against Coronavirus, starting from February 03, the number of infections have drastically reduced, which was possible only, by the effective measures taken by the Chinese government. Soon, the virus will be eliminated and things will go to normal.
The dream of the US to isolate China will remain dream, China will continue to strengthen economic development. More people will be lifted out of poverty, more economic co-operations will be initiated with global countries, the Belt and Road Initiative will take full pace, more development projects will start and more jobs will be created, and the human development will continue to improve, along the old silk road route. – The author is a staff member of The Daily Mail