US ‘democracy bubble’ bankrupts amid pandemic

The latest poll by the Global Times on China-US relations shows US likeability among Chinese people is waning, as its “democracy bubble” bankrupted during pandemic.
The poll received more than 146,000 responses by Tuesday afternoon with 31 percent of respondents saying they “used to like the US but less now,” and 36 percent saying they “never liked it.”
More than 96 percent of respondents identified recent American attacks on the Communist Party of China (CPC) as moves designed to try to sow discord between the Party and Chinese people, and serve as ideological mobilization for its new cold war against China.
Such poll results showed that Chinese people could clearly see through the vicious intentions of American provocations, including the latest sanctions related to Hong Kong affairs — to isolate the CPC from the people and foster a color revolution in China, Chinese analysts said.
“A chaotic China will not be able to develop, which is exactly what the US craves for, as it is losing dominance in many areas,” Meng Fan, a Beijing resident who took the poll, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
Just like Meng, 45 percent of netizens believe US pressure on China was due to anxiety of China’s rapid and robust development, while 51 percent saw American hegemonic mentality at a time of declining competitiveness. Meng was one of those who used to like the US. Meng’s past fondness of the country came from its entertainment industry and “advanced democracy” image, which collapsed during the pandemic.
Other survey takers also told the Global Times that they feel the US is more inclined to use anti-Communism as an ideological marker to convene an anti-China camp. Attacking the CPC, nurturing street protests, and targeting Chinese firms like Huawei are all tactics to achieve that goal.
Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at Tuesday’s press conference that “the US should check the poll, abandon its illusion of changing China in accordance with American needs, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs.” US perversion of justice will only make Chinese people more united and patriotic, Zhao said. The trick of sponsoring some “pro-democracy activists” to smear the CPC can no longer fool Chinese people. American policymakers should listen to the voice of the Chinese people, rather than listen to some politicians and consultants who hold an outdated, stagnant view of China, analysts said.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item