US’ lies about Xinjiang will only make Chinese society more united

US President Joe Biden on Thursday signed the so-called Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act into law. The legislation will ban all Xinjiang products from being exported to the US unless companies can provide “clear and convincing evidence” that their supply chains are free of the involvement of forced labor.

The US exercises presumption of guilt toward all Xinjiang products, while forcing self-incrimination onto companies. It turns a blind eye to the basic principle of modern rule of law – presumption of innocence. In order to suppress and contain China, the US would do anything.

The so-called forced labor and genocide in Xinjiang are utter lies made up by politicians, media and think tank scholars in the US and the West. Today, the mechanization rate of Xinjiang’s cotton sector is approaching 90 percent, so how is “forced labor” possible? In the past 40 years, the Uygur population has doubled. How can this be called “genocide?” Last year, China’s State Council Information Office issued a white paper on employment and labor rights in Xinjiang, giving full details of the proactive employment and decent labor of Xinjiang’s ethnic minorities. Nonetheless, to Washington politicians with “hammers” in their hands, the happy and peaceful life the Chinese people enjoy is an eyesore.

Xinjiang’s peace and tranquility have not come easily. In the past more than 20 years, the three evil forces in Xinjiang had been prevalent, with terrorist and violent incidents occurring from time to time. Hundreds of innocent people, including Uygurs, were killed. Xinjiang people were faced with serious life and property threats. To ensure the basic human rights of all ethnicities in Xinjiang, the Chinese government has undertaken a series of measures to fight terrorism and extremism and effectively contained the momentum of terrorism in Xinjiang.

As a result, there have not been any terror incidents in Xinjiang for the past five years. Tourism and food in Xinjiang have become trendy on social media. But at this juncture, the US and Western anti-China forces try to tear open the wounds of Xinjiang and add insult to injury; they are boycotting Xinjiang products using the excuse of “human rights” in a bid to deprive the Xinjiang people of the right to make a living and develop.

The Chinese people are fully aware of the US’ intentions. Does the US truly care about human rights in other countries, or even its own? In the past five years, more than 100,000 people have been trafficked to the US and become forced laborers annually. The inhuman crimes the US committed against American Indian aboriginals in history are de facto genocide. The US launched wars in multiple countries such as Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan in the name of the war on terror and human rights, leading to the deaths of millions of innocent people. As a spokesperson of China’s Foreign Ministry pointed out, the labels of “forced labor” and “genocide” should be reserved for the US itself.

-The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item