US plans to invest $3 bln in Vaccines supply chain

DM Monitoring

WASHINGTON: The US plans to invest $3 billion in the vaccine supply chain as it continues to work to position itself as a leading supplier of vaccines for the world, a top US health official said on Thursday.
The funding, which will begin to be distributed in the coming weeks, will focus on manufacturers of the inputs used in Covid vaccine production as well as facilities that fill and package vaccine vials, White House Covid adviser Jeffrey Zients said during a news conference.
“The investments we are making, the $3 billion, are in US companies that will expand their capacity for critical supplies,” Zients said.
He added that areas of focus will include lipids, bioreactor bags, tubing, needles, syringes, and personal protective equipment. The White House has not yet selected specific companies to receive the funds.
US demand for Covid vaccines remains high as the White House prepares to begin offering a third booster shot to Americans later this month, pending a regulator greenlight.
The United States also plans to give hundreds of millions of shots to other countries during the remainder of the year.