US reorientation of Pakistan

The rumors are widely circulating in the media that the United States had approached Pakistan seeking permission for use of its military bases for presence in the area in the backdrop of US withdrawal from war torn Afghanistan. The Frontier Post Correspondent based in Washington DC contacted US Department of State regarding the matter, a State Department official replied “US President has said we must be organized to prevent the re-emergence of terrorist threats in Afghanistan, or anywhere else and we do not comment on private discussions.” However, US Capital is full of rumors these days that America has asked Pakistan for military bases offering a large amount and Pakistan is reluctant to do so mainly due to potential Chinese reservations or Taliban factor. Currently, US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan is underway and it would take months. The United States promised to leave the Country by September, however US has planned to shift its troops in any other country in the region so if the terrorists resurface in the country than US should be able to reverse its withdrawal or at least undertake military operations against terrorists from those bases. In fact, Pakistan has all those facilities and geostrategic location which is fully compatible with US needs and as being reported US is more likely to approach Pakistan with subject demand. However, Government of Pakistan is down playing the situation. While commenting on the reports Foreign Office Spokesperson Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said Pakistan is not providing its military bases to the US for subject purpose. Later, same was repeated by the Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi while saying that Pakistan will not allow boots on the ground or military bases on our territory. Qureshi further explained Pakistan’s viewpoint and said Pakistan will remain partner in peace in Afghanistan. This is the most suitable definition of Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan peace Process. Since from the day one, when Trump administration requested Pakistan to play role for initiation of talks with Taliban, Pakistan had worked at fore front of US Reconciliation efforts and remained committed to play a positive role in the process. However, the current American wish is incompatible with Pakistan’s interests and regional security. Historically, Pakistan had worked for the US interests many times during last seven decades of their Bilateral relations starting from Pakistan inclusion in SEATO and CENTO to its historic U-turn on Taliban ruled Afghanistan, by embracing a foreign war to which it did not have any direct link.
Today’s situation is similar to the post 9/11 scenario, Pakistan itself has no interest in Afghanistan except Afghanistan’s peace, which has direct impact on Pakistan’s peace and stability but Pakistan does not afford to jump in to other’s fire to appease someone. Government of Pakistan must be fully aware of the consequences of any such attempt to provide it’s military bases or territory to American air or ground forces for any stated purpose because Pakistan had restored peace in the Country after huge sacrifices both in kind of lives and properties. Any Financial or military aid couldn’t be the alternative of the Peace and Stability in the country. Pakistan must continue its policy of non-alignment both with in the Muslim Ummah and International Community. Pakistan should always play the role of Peace broker instead of a stair for big powers in achieving their personal agenda in any shape or name.