US sees Iran Nuke deal issues resolved

From Sandra Johnson

WASHINGTON: Most of the pressing details to bring Iran and the United States to the nuclear table have been agreed upon, according to a statement by the U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price.
The “big issues” have been “largely settled,” Price told reporters. That includes sanctions relief the U.S. provided to Iran under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the curbs Iran is to accept on its nuclear program, said Price.
“What could be negotiated has been negotiated,” he said. Indirect talks between Iran and the U.S., mediated by the European Union, concluded in Vienna earlier this month with a draft of the agreement being reached. Iran has submitted its response to the EU’s draft text aimed at salvaging the accord, which the bloc is currently examining.
Price said the U.S. has received the Iranian response to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell’s draft text and remains in consultation with the EU and European nations “on the way ahead.”
“We agree with Mr. Burrell’s fundamental points,” said Price. “We’ll continue to study what has been submitted. We’ll continue to consult closely with EU with our European allies, other partners, and when we have more to say we’ll share that.”