US ties with Russia & China under Biden

Russian Envoy in Beijing Andrei Denisov told the media that the United States’ relations with Russia and China have deteriorated through the fault and at the initiative of the outgoing Trump administration. According to him, the administration of President Trump has brought its relations with Russia and China into a stalemate. He noted that Russia and China did their best they could to prevent a negative scenario. Denisov said that China had found an optimal option in relations with US, that it has just to stopped paying attention on the hostile actions of the outgoing Trump administration. Russian Envoy, expressed hope that both China and Russia are waiting for arrival of new US administration to work with, to look for common grounds in order to reverse the negative trend in relations that has emerged through the fault of the Trump administration. US President Elect Joe Biden has promised to reverse the course of actions taken by his predecessor President Donald Trump on domestic and foreign policies. On domestic front, Joe Biden will likely alter healthcare, social security mechanism, economy and immigration policies. On external front, US policies on US-Iran Nuclear Deal, Climate Change, tariff on imports are likely to be reviewed by the new administration, However, President Elect has promised to take hard line on China and Russia. As per reports and assessment, United States will review its existing tariff rates on Chinese good because current approach is also hampering US businesses and investors and have negative impact on US exports to China. There will be slightly change in US position. However, on other hand US policy to contain China in South China Sea, opposition to Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and strengthening Indian military against China will be continue as that of previous administration. In case of Russia, US policy will be the same under new administration, due to the alleged Russian intervention in Presidential Election 2016 and other associated incidents which led to the defeat of democrats in 2016 Election. Besides it, Russia is actively working against US interest in Syria, Libya and other contested areas in the Middle East and Europe. Use of economic sanctions against the Countries, who purchase Russian military hardware is clearly indicative of US tough approach against Russia. Therefore, US policy against its adversaries is less likely to change under Biden administration.