US to blame for recent violence in Afghanistan

DM Monitoring

Kabul: A string of violence against civilian targets in Afghanistan has set off a mind-set among the Afghans to blame the US as it made an irresponsible decision to withdraw troops, ignoring the risk that it could further embolden the insurgent groups to become more aggressive.
Brutal onslaughts such as girls’ school bombing that killed over 80 and injured more than 150 others, and the mosque blast even during the ceasefire period that took 12 worshipers’ lives, offer a clear indication that the US pullout decision is leading the insurgent groups to carry out more deadly attacks – setting a scene of military victory and a solid defeat to the world’s most powerful country.
For the Afghans who are going through tough times due to upticks in tedious violence and also scrambling with uncertain future, there is a lot of accusations of the US over its failure to make a good deal or to at least reduce the level of violence before departure. As the security situation is getting worse, the finger-pointing on the US has already begun.
Civilians and civil facilities are now a target since US President Joe Biden announced that this September is the exit date for US troops to finally leave Afghanistan.
The first mistake that led to the vitalization of militant groups and the surging violence in Afghanistan was the US claim of degrading Al Qaeda terrorist network. What happened the next day was quite different. The group’s spokesman in an interview with one of Western media outlet, rebuffed the claim, and spoke of unending war against America. Even American top security brasses doubt Taliban to cut ties with Al Qaeda.
The American authorities are fully aware of their anti-terror strategy, which was a big flop. Coming to the fore with such a statement, it was nothing but another mockery. However, it won’t be sincere to turn a blind eye over what the US did in the fight against terrorism in the past 20 years. Al Qaeda leaders were killed by a US operation. Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, the Taliban leader was also killed by US drones. Some key members of Islamic State were also killed. But this does not mean a successful US military presence. The girls’ school bombing was the most deadly attack against civilians in recent year that earned worldwide condemnation, with many world leaders seeing the rise in violence due to the irresponsible decision of the Biden administration over its troops withdrawal from Afghanistan.
At the end, it’s the Afghan people who are suffering the most due to wrong and failed policies of the US, which has paid little attention to the economic and social development of Afghanistan.