US urged not to ‘put old wine in new bottle’ on China policy

DM Monitoring

WASHINGTON: Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said that it would be a “huge strategic misjudgment” for the United States to take China as “a strategic rival and imaginary enemy.”
Cui made the remarks in his speech at the “China-U.S. Engagement: Past Achievements & Future Adjustments” Online Dialogue, an event organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament and U.S. nongovernmental organization the Carter Center on Wednesday evening.
“Tomorrow will be the 42nd anniversary of Mr. Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the United States … At this historical juncture, we are facing a consequential choice again,” Cui said.
Forty-two years ago, Deng and then U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the historic decision to establish diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and the two countries “were able to break the ice of the Cold War and rise above ideological differences,” he said.
“Since then, our ever-deepening cooperation has delivered huge benefits to the two peoples, and contributed enormously to world peace, stability and prosperity. Facts have proved that we have made the right choice and stood on the right side of history,” he said.
However, in the past few years, some people in the United States tried to “deny these basic facts,” said the ambassador.
“By creating rumors, stoking hatred and fanning confrontation, they attempted to hijack America’s China policy and push China-U.S. relations down the precipice of confrontation. This has seriously damaged the fundamental interests of the two peoples and is doomed to failure,” Cui said.
There have also been calls recently “for America to adjust its strategy and build an allied and partner coalition, so as to address China’s challenge and restore balance and legitimacy in the Asia-Pacific,” he noted.
“Such an adjustment is just like putting old wine in a new bottle.