US urged to avoid cold-war mentality

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BEIJING: Foreign political party leaders have sent messages to the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, opposing the plot of some U.S. politicians who fabricated accusations to smear China and escalated provocations against China to contain its development.
In their messages, foreign political party leaders said they think the CPC is the guarantee for China’s development and revitalization as well as the guarantee for the world’s peace and development. Simon Compaore, president of the People’s Movement for Progress of Burkina Faso, said that under the strong leadership of the CPC, China is developing rapidly, and its international influence is rising. China is committed to global cooperation to promote mutual benefit and win-win results.
Some countries stick to the Cold-War mentality and attempt to readopt the containment policy, noted Compaore, calling on the world to abandon the Cold-War mentality and ideological prejudice, jointly deal with issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, and safeguard world peace and promote human progress together.
The politburo of the Egyptian Communist Party said some U.S. anti-China politicians have attempted to hamper China’s development, created a tense atmosphere in the world, and jeopardized the efforts exerted by other countries especially the developing nations in advancing economy and eliminating poverty.
The Egyptian Communist Party supports China’s rights in safeguarding sovereignty, security and its development interest, and believes that any attempt to sow dissension between the CPC and the Chinese people is doomed to fail, it said.
Dogu Perincek, chairman of the Patriotic Party of Turkey, said some countries are trying to hold China down economically, militarily and politically, which his party firmly opposes. The CPC is not only a miracle maker who lifts the Chinese people from poverty and realizes China’s fast development, but also a guardian of world peace and future hope, he said.
The politburo of the Arab Unification Party of Lebanon condemned what some countries have done to slander China and infringe upon China’s legitimate rights. It said that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent attacks against China were aimed to undermine China’s role in counterweighing U.S. unilateralism. The party lauded China’s active stands toward the people around the world and thanked China for its support to developing countries in economy, development and other fields.
Aleksandar Paunov, first secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Bulgaria, said the recent positions and statements issued by some U.S. politicians are outright provocations which must be strongly condemned.