US urged to truly respect China’s core interests

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged the United States to truly respect China’s core interests and take a correct view of China’s development, Global Times reported on Monday.
Wang made the remarks in response to media query about China-U.S. relations after meetings with his counterparts of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea in China’s Fujian Province.
Citing that the foreign ministers have regarded China’s development and growth as a historical necessity, Wang said it is believed that China’s development conforms to the common expectations and long-term interests of all countries in the region, which should not be blocked.
He said the foreign ministers believed that facing the challenges of globalization and the post-epidemic era, China and the U.S. should have more dialogue and cooperation in this region, instead of game and confrontation, fulfill the obligations of major powers, and demonstrate the responsibility of major powers. “China is willing to respond to the expectations of all parties and continue to make its own efforts to this end,” Wang said. Regarding the arguments of competition, cooperation and confrontation repeatedly put forward by the U.S. on its relations with China, Wang said China’s position is consistent and clear. China welcomes dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect, Wang said, adding that China does not approve of one-upmanship in the world, and does not accept that one country has the final say in world affairs. “China welcomes cooperation if there is the need, but cooperation needs to take into account each other’s concerns and mutual benefit.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item