US withdrawal and speculations

The US-led NATO’s military campaign “Resolute Support Mission” in Afghanistan planned to hold a flag-lowering ceremony in Kabul on Friday but the event was cancelled at the last moment. According to reports, Senior allied officers were planning to lower their nations’ flags at the NATO’s country headquarters building as a recognition for their countries’ contributions in Afghanistan but cancelled just hours before the actual show. The cancelation of the event inflamed new questions, and doubts regarding the future discourse of NATO’s troops in the coming days. In fact, US and NATO troops in Afghanistan have several partners/firms /contractors indirectly linked to the US military campaign in Afghanistan. According to reports, about 18,000 US funded contractors who maintain the Afghan’s military aircrafts fleet and ground vehicles have been ordered by the Pentagon to withdraw from the country. However, the private Contractors working with the US Army had said that they were not clearly briefed about their departure and future services for Afghan Security Forces. Beside these contractors, about 20 thousand US Military interpreters are also mourning on the roads of Kabul because they are facing genuine life threats from Taliban and their families are also insecure after US withdrawal. On the other hand Afghan women, social activists and human rights defenders are also crying out about potential threats to women rights and civil liberties after the US exit from the country. Besides these desperate and vulnerable factions of Afghan society, countless other Afghans including girls’ students, young boys, businessmen and entrepreneurs are feeling insecurity in the country during the coming days. So, all these segments of the Afghan society including civilian staff/ contractors of the US military are spreading confusion, rumors, and doubts about US discourse in a hope of getting some favor from the US government. On the other hand, US military leadership is not sharing its complete plan with its contractors and other local staff due to security reasons and this environment is creating uncertainty, distrust and panic in the lower ranks, civilian staff, and general public. According to reports, Several US lawmakers and Pentagon officials are of the view that the Biden administration must chart out a strategy to bring those Afghans to the United States who worked with the US military or other departments during decades long war in Afghanistan, however the Department of States has not responded to such demands so far.
The recent upsurge of Coronavirus pandemic in the war-torn Afghanistan had made the situation worsened for these troubled individuals because dozens of the US Embassy’s staff got COVID-19 infection and operation of the Embassy has been halted during these days.

US leadership had made tall claims during the past that it would not let the Afghans in an impoverished position and will stand by those who stood beside it during the hard time. Similarly, US authorities also claimed not to repeat the mistake made by the former Soviet Union while leaving Afghanistan back in early 1989. But all these promises remained unfulfilled and presently the US is running out while pushing the country into chaos and anarchy. Till time, the United States is fully abiding the Doha agreement with the Taliban and has put all other things aside. Half of the problem is still pending, and the US is leaving the country without forging a deal between Afghan parties. Therefore, Afghans must understand the reality that they themselves have to make their future and one else will make it for them.