USAID provides medical equipments to Uzbekistan

DM Monitoring

TASHKENT: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) handed over medical equipment to 12 healthcare facilities in the Syrdarya, to assist the region in its fight against tuberculosis (TB).
Representatives of the USAID Mission to Uzbekistan, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Center, and the Syrdarya Regional Health Administration participated in the ceremony.
The equipment, including electronic thermometers, stethoscopes, tonometers, and otoscopes, will help healthcare providers in the region deliver efficient and timely care, provide rapid diagnosis, and treat patients with chronic illnesses, the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan said on February 23.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministry of Health, the U.S. Government, and international partners, Uzbekistan has made great strides in reducing TB cases and associated deaths.
However, multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) continues to be a significant issue in Uzbekistan. USAID works to reduce the TB burden in Uzbekistan and Central Asia by building local and regional capacity to improve the detection and treatment of MDR-TB.
During the event, Anna Meltzer, USAID Uzbekistan Health Team Lead said, “Today’s event demonstrates the continued partnership between the United States and Uzbekistan to improve healthcare services in the regions, including in Syrdarya.
Working together we can improve the health and well-being of Uzbekistan’s citizens.”
The medical equipment was donated by a U.S. manufacturer, Welch Allyn, through USAID’s “Eliminating TB in Central Asia” project.
The equipment will be delivered to TB outpatient facilities in Syrdarya region (Akaltyn, Bayavut, Gulistan, Khavast, Mirzaabad, Sardoba, Saikhunabad, and Syrdarya); TB dispensaries and hospitals in the cities of Gulistan, Shirin and Yangiyer; and to the Syrdarya Regional Center of TB and Lung Diseases.