Usman Dar says good bye to PTI

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s close aide Usman Dar Wednesday announced leaving the former ruling party, with May 9 — the day when PTI workers ransacked state installations after the ex-premier’s arrest — being the primary reason behind his decision.
“The motive behind May 9 events was to overthrow the army chief [General Asim Munir],” Dar said during an interview with a private television channel, as he came to the fore days after PTI claimed he had been “abducted”.
The ex-PTI leader’s brother-in-law filed a petition in the Sindh High Court, and a day earlier, the province’s top court directed police to register a case of his disappearance.
But after resurfacing today, the now-former PTI leader blamed the party’s leadership for orchestrating the May 9 events.
In what can be called a charge sheet against the PTI chief, Dar said Imran himself chaired the meeting that decided the “plan of action” if he were arrested.
“PTI chairman, in case of his arrest, ordered [the party] to target sensitive installations,” Dar said about Khan — who is currently in jail. He was arrested on May 9 in a graft case, and although the sentence was suspended, he was sent to jail again in the ‘cipher’ case.
Dar, who served as a special assistant during PTI’s tenure, said Imran “brain washed” party workers to thwart his arrest. “He used workers as a human sheild,” the former government official claimed.
Dar has become the latest leader to quit the party, joining a long list of leaders — including Fawad Chaudhry, Shireen Mazari, and Pervez Khattak — who parted ways with Imran following May 9.
A crackdown was also launched against those involved in the events, leading to the arrest of hundreds of party workers and leaders — including vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi. –Agencies