Uzbekistan to host second Science & Atom Festival

DM Monitoring

Tashkent: On 27-28 November 2020, Uzbekistan will host the second Science and Atom Festival. The main goal of the event is to draw public attention to national achievements in the field of science and technology, to popularize technical specialties among young people, and to raise people’s awareness of the peaceful atom.
The organizer of the festival is the Information Center for Atomic Technologies (ICAT), located in Tashkent, with the support of the Agency for the Development of Atomic Energy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.
This year, due to restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, the festival will be held online. The rich two-day program includes lectures by Russian and Uzbek scientists, scientific readings, open discussions, quizzes, talk shows, master classes, which will be held in Uzbek and Russian. Schoolchildren and students, specialized specialists, journalists and everyone who is interested in scientific topics are invited to participate in the event. The most active participants will receive special prizes.
The festival will be attended by leading experts of Uzbekistan – representatives of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Nuclear Physics, the Tashkent branch of NRNU MEPhI, the Institute of Materials Science NPO Physics-Solntse, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, Uzliti Engineering, Uzatom Agency, Smart Tashkent “and MyWay. The guests of the festival will be the stars of the national show business, famous journalists and even small residents of Tashkent.