Vast scope noted in Green collaboration

BEIJING: China shares immense cooperation potential and vast collaboration opportunities with the countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, a government official said on Monday.
Zhou Guomei, director-general of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said at a news conference in Beijing that China has been advancing its efforts in green technology exchanges. Many renewable energy projects built by Chinese enterprises have become notable green landmarks in BRI countries and regions, he added.
With the support of the Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, the country has developed numerous innovative cooperation models to promote environmental technology transfers, especially in the renewable energy sector, according to Zhou.
Technical exchanges and cooperation have been carried out in various fields in recent years, including in clean energy, green transportation, pollution control and environmental monitoring, leading to the successful implementation of projects overseas, she said.
An analyst said that China has been consistently strengthening its data services and information support in recent years, including tools for analyzing investment potential in renewable energy overseas, to better facilitate the green cooperation between China and its BRI partners.
From a solar power station in Kenya to a wind power project in South Africa, a series of clean energy and green development projects have been successfully implemented overseas in recent years with the help of Chinese enterprises, serving as remarkable symbols of green progress, said Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item