Veteran member donates 1 million yuan to Party

BEIJING: Days before July 1, when the Communist Party of China celebrated the 103rd anniversary of its founding, 97-year-old veteran CPC member Hao Jiarun donated 1 million yuan ($138,000), almost all his lifetime savings, to the Party.
“The country needs money in many ways when it’s on a path to become more prosperous,” he said. “While I’m still alive, I want to hand over my remaining money to the Party, the country and the people.” Hao joined the army at 15 and became a CPC member at 16. “The Party has allowed me to have an abundant life,” he said.
“I have nothing to worry about at this age. By giving back the money to the Party organization and the country, I merely did what a common CPC member should do.”
Hao, originally from Yantai, Shandong province, lives in Shanghai. He transferred the donation to a grassroots Party organization in the form of special Party dues. His home in Shanghai’s Hongkou district has been sparsely furnished for decades. It only contains a few basic pieces of furniture, and his bedding and clothes are patched.
Some old photos and medallions in the apartment suggest that Hao was a battle-hardened army veteran.
From joining the army to retirement, he participated in many campaigns. They included the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), the War of Liberation (1946-49) and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53).
Recalling those difficult years, Hao did not mention his own hardships, but talked about the care given by the Party organization. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item