Violation of Doha peace deal

THE US and the Taliban are accusing each other of violation of Doha peace agreement, for which both parties of the Afghan conflict are responsible. In the aftermath of negotiations between Kabul Government and the Talban there should have been reduction in violence in Afghanistan. On the contrary, the over confident Taliban are on the offensive against the government forces. In retaliation the US has resumed airstrikes on various Taliban positions, which the later call violation of Doha agreement and the former describe it consistent with the peace deal.
The Taliban are showing an oblivious attitude to the spoiler of peace agreement, ISIS Khorasan and its foreign sponsors. The terrorist organisation should have been perceived as common enemy of restoring peace in Afghanistan. .US Special representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad has already cautioned against its role as spoiler of Doha Agreement.
After the commencement of intra-Afghan negotiations, hostilities between Kabul government and the Taliban should have ceased to move forward towards achieving an inclusive political settlement of the conflict. The rise in violence will certainly create trust deficit and make difficult the clinching of broad political settlement, which will benefit the enemies of Afghans.