Violent Extremism Prevention Unit inaugurated at Safe City

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: National Coordinator National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) Muhammad Tahir Rai (Hilal e Shujaat) inaugurated the newly established “Violent Extremism Prevention Unit” at Safe City Islamabad.
National Coordinator (NACTA) appreciated the efforts of IGP Islamabad for establishing the first of its kind anti-extremism unit in Pakistan. Muhammad Tahir Rai (Hilal e Shujaat) had served as IGP Balochistan, DG FIA who played a vital role in revamping of Pakistan CTD and keep a vast experience in Counter Terrorism. National Coordinator NACTA also gave a detailed briefing to upgrade the CTD Islamabad and also inaugurated Modern Digital Hub at safe city.
Afterwards the National Coordinator NACTA was given a tour of various sections of Safe City Islamabad where he was briefed in details regarding the utilization of Safe City Project in maintaining the security of the city and its role during law and order situation.
IGP Islamabad briefed the National Coordinator NACTA regarding the working of this unit and said that, this unit will monitor the political, linguistic, sectarian and religious extremist content on social media and websites and submit its report. The CTD would have Operations and Intelligence Wings while the newly established “Violent Extremism Prevention Unit” would be supervised by SP.
Besides identifying crimes related to extremism the police and CTD will work together and take prompt action against such elements. The services of communication experts will be hired for this unit. So that the minds of the young generation can be changed according to the national narrative, recommendations will also be made for legislation in this regard.
IGP Islamabad Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan said that effective measures are being taken for the security of the city following the vision of Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mian Shahbaz Sharif and special orders and interests of Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah Khan.
He further said that preventing extremism will go a long way in combating terrorism and strengthening the security of the city.
On the occasion National Coordinator NACTA said that the steps being taken by IGP Islamabad in order to maintain law and order in the city and to protect the life and property of the citizens are commendable. Islamabad Capital Police is a professional police in which the citizens have full faith. In the end, IGP Islamabad presented a shield to the chief guest on the behalf of Islamabad capital police.