Virus a common global threat: FM

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that viruses respect no borders, and that it is the common responsibility of the international community to deal with and win the battle against viruses.
Wang made the remarks when holding a phone conversation with Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan at the latter’s request.
Under the strong leadership and personal guidance of Chinese President Xi Jinping, China has mobilized the whole country to wage an arduous people’s war of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, and the victory is now in sight, Wang said.
China will strengthen planning and coordination to fully consolidate the hard-fought achievements in the country’s fight against the epidemic, and take multiple measures to prevent the import of COVID-19 cases, he said.
Meanwhile, China will push for the resumption of work and production and restore normal work and life order in a stepwise fashion, he added.
Wang expressed the Chinese side’s deep concern over the occurrences of COVID-19 in many sources and places across the globe, and its strong empathy for the difficulties and challenges facing some countries.
In the spirit of openness and transparency in the first place, China has kept in contact with the World Health Organization and the international community, and made tremendous sacrifices to prevent the epidemic from spreading outward, which has bought precious time for various countries in the fight against COVID-19 and made significant contributions to the global public health cause, he added.
Wang said China is willing to further strengthen cooperation with the international community and practice the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by President Xi. – Agencies