VP Wang hopes for more Boao views

BOAO: Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan expressed the hope that the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) can form more Boao views with Asian countries’ wisdom to improve suggestions for the long-term development and prosperity in Asia.
Wang made the call Tuesday when meeting with members of the BFA board of directors and the forum’s strategic partners. Wang attended the BFA Annual Conference 2021 opening ceremony on the same day and exchanged views with representatives from the business circle.
The world is currently undergoing new, complex and profound changes, and all parties need to strengthen exchanges, build consensus and cooperate to find ways to respond. Therefore, the forum is now experiencing a broad space for development, he said.
Wang encouraged people to grasp the pulse of the times and pay attention to the emerging new trends of international politics, economies, societies, cultures and ecological civilization to promote all parties to meet challenges and share opportunities.
It is necessary to strengthen the construction of talent teams and think tanks to provide more intellectual support for governments and enterprises to carry out pragmatic cooperation, he said.
BFA Chairman Ban Ki-moon, members of the BFA board of directors and representatives from BFA strategic partners expressed their readiness to provide experience and insights for promoting multilateralism, opening-up and inclusiveness.
When meeting with entrepreneurs, Wang stressed that glory and suffering accompany each other. People must stay calm and sober through historical, cultural and philosophical thinking and build confidence and patience. – Agencies