Wang Yi puts forward proposals on promoting development of SCO

Staff Report

DUSHANBE: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday called on the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to enhance cooperation to promote the development and growth of the organization.
The development of the SCO comes to a critical juncture as this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the organization’s founding, Wang said during a joint press meeting here with Tajik Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin.
Noting that Tajikistan is the rotating presidency of the SCO, Wang said that the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on how to promote the development and growth of the SCO. According to Wang, China has the four proposals as following:
First, to fully explore the contemporary value of the Shanghai Spirit, which features mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations, and pursuit of common development, Wang said. According to Wang, the Shanghai Spirit is not only the core concept of the SCO, but also a banner erected by the organization in the world, which has guided the SCO to transcend the differences in social system, history and culture, and set an example of a new type of international relations.
As the world is currently facing the changing situations and the pandemic both unseen in a century, the value of Shanghai Spirit is further highlighted, Wang said, calling on the SCO members to draw spiration from it and continue to guide the development of the SCO. Second, give full play to security cooperation. According to Wang, the SCO is committed to maintaining the common security of member states, with combating the “three evil forces” of terrorism, extremism and separatism as core task, takes concrete actions to practice common, integrated, cooperative and sustainable security concepts, and sets up joint exercise mechanism in fields such as military, anti-terrorism, drug control, and cybersecurity, building up the strict and sound law enforcement and security cooperation network.
Wang called on the SCO members to continue to make full use of these cooperation mechanisms to create a sound security environment for the economic and social development of all member countries.
Third, accelerate the arrangement for cooperation to achieve common development.
According to Wang, the SCO has actively carried out all-round practical cooperation, signed important documents such as the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Agreement on Facilitation of International Road Transport, deeply participated in the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road, and implemented a large number of strategic projects in areas such as connectivity, economy, trade and investment, and energy and resources.
The SCO members should further synergize development strategies, improve the layout of regional integration, and promote the convergence of mutual interests, he added. Fourth, continue to play a leading role in open and inclusive regional cooperation. Preserving and passing on the Silk Road Spirit, the SCO advocates respect for diversity of civilizations, common progress through exchanges and mutual learning, and common development through inclusiveness, Wang said, noting the organization has become the largest and most populous regional organization in the world with eight member states, four observer states and six dialogue partners.