War crime against Afghans

AFTER the release of appalling report by Australian Defence Force about the killing of Afghan prisoners and civilian by its Special Forces, China has demanded a through probe into the alleged war crime. China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lijian Zhao at a news conference condemned that act of murdering civilians by Australian Forces and described it a “hypocrisy of those” who considers themselves as guardians of human rights and freedom. Beijing has called for a thorough investigation and holding perpetrators to account. The stance is identical to the reaction shown by Afghan Foreign Ministry and Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.
A report released by Australian Defence Forces (ADF) brings to lime light the credible evidence on the war crimes committed by their Elite Force deployed in Afghanistan after the incident of 9/11 and subsequent induction of US and NATO troops there. In a series of incidents 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians were killed after their capture and arrest during 2009-13. The ADF blamed the crime on unchecked “war culture.”
The inquiry into the alleged war crime was conducted by Major General Justice Paul Brereton. He interviewed 400 witnesses. The inquiry found evidence that junior officers were told to get their first kill by shooting prisoners in a practice known as blooding. It t tells that the crime was not done by the war tired soldiers but were ordered by the officers in command to do so. Treacherously, weapons and other items were planted near the bodies of the victims to cover up the crime. The report states that additional incidents establish war crime treatment cruelty and ensures for justice the families of victims.
Australia had sent its forces in Afghanistan following the overthrow of Taliban regime in Kabul as a part of US led coalition. The inquiry report reveals that 25 Special Forces soldiers had taken part in unlawful killings of noncombatants and captured prisoners in 23 separate incidents. It recommended 36 incidents in total to be investigated by federal police. ADF Chief General Angus Cambell said that none of the incident can be described as being in the heat of battle. The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has termed the inquiry report as difficult and bad news for the Australians about its special forces. He has conveyed his sorrows to the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani over telephone.