WASA orders immediate solution of public issues

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: Sheikh Shahid Javed, Vice Chairman, Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) has said that according to the vision of the Prime Minister Imran Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, the purpose of holding the open court is to solve the problems of the people on priority basis up to grass root level. In lieu of other awaiting and hardships, this phenomenon, Peoples’ of Pakistan will get their rights very easily and it is the Policy of the PTI Government to look after all the needy persons in all respect.
He further expressed adding that, this humanitarian phenomenon is being fully implemented.
After hearing the problems of the consumers during the open court at WASA head office, he issued orders for their immediate solution. He said that, all the issues raised during the open court that held last month have been resolved.
After which they are still in front of the people today, so that their complaints about WASA might be heard and they can be redressed as soon as possible without any hindrence and delay.
Sheikh Shahid Javed further elaborated that NOC has been made mandatory for sale and purchase of any property within the limits of the rules and regulations of WASA. Therefore all consumers must get clearance certificate of WASA utility bills whenever they want to buy properties.
He further informed that, at present there is lesser awareness among the citizens in this regard and its complaints are also coming to the WASA Authorities.
He said that the problems of WASA customers are being resolved on priority basis and they are being resolved keeping in view the problems of consumers in an open forum to be held at WASA Head Office ,and the positive results of these open forums will come soon.
He further said that the helpline 1334 for complaints related to WASA is fully operational and the complaints received on this help line are also redressed.
However he pointed out the purpose of holding an open forum is to get directly awareness of the problems of the people and to resolve them quickly.
On this occasion, there were also present, Director Finance Shehryar Hassan, Director Water Saqib Raza, Director Revenue Omar Iftikhar, Director Operations East Adnan Gul, Focal Person Deputy Director Usman Latif, Nisar Dogar and others.