Wasn't possible to defeat Nawaz in elections so disqualified for life, says Maryam

SIALKOT: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Maryam Nawaz said that it wasn’t possible to defeat Nawaz Sharif in elections and so came the verdict to disqualify him for life.

Addressing a convention of her party’s social media workers, Maryam said that she got to know about the Supreme Court’s verdict on disqualification under Article 62 while she was heading to attend today’s gathering.
The apex court ruled that lawmakers disqualified under Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution will be unable to contest elections for the rest of their life.
Article 62(1)(f) reads: “A person shall not be qualified to be elected or chosen as a member of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) unless-…he is sagacious, righteous and non-profligate, honest and ameen, there being no declaration to the contrary by a court of law.”
Last year, the Supreme Court had disqualified Nawaz Sharif and Jahangir Tareen under the same article.

Maryam said that this was not the first time that Nawaz Sharif had been disqualified or punished, but the former premier “continues to be added, instead of being subtracted.”

She said that whenever efforts were made to weaken Nawaz, he was strengthened more than ever.

“Nawaz was disqualified for life; he was barred from heading his party,” the former first daughter said. “But he resides in the hearts of the people.”
Maryam said that opponents tried to stop Nawaz for the past 30 years, but they could not succeed.

She said that a dictator had said that Nawaz has become a part of teh history now.

“Musharraf used to say Nawaz would not return, where is Musharraf himself today?” the former first daughter asked.

“Nawaz was sent into exile along with his family, made hijacker in the past. But he was not punished over corruption.”

‘No evidence against Nawaz’

She went on to say that the head of the Panamagate joint investigation team (JIT), Wajid Zia, testified before the court in favour of Nawaz Sharif.
“Wajid Zia stated before the court that there is no evidence against Nawaz Sharif,” Maryam said.
“The nation is awakening this time around and the people have responded to Nawaz’s call with ‘Labaik.'”
The former premier has said that he would not be cowed down by these measures, she said, adding, “Though Nawaz consumed poison but opponents were troubled when he survived it.”
“He (Nawaz) continued to appear before the courts along with his daughter, and now even if Nawaz and I are handcuffed or sent to prison, the people have become aware of the truth,” Maryam said.

Maryam terms Imran, Zardari ‘puppets’

Criticising Imran Khan and Asif Ali Zardari, she said the two figures have been “standing like puppets on the other side of the line of masses; they have joined hands.

“I have heard that Imran is going to visit Sialkot today. Ask him why he voted for Peoples Party in the Senate elections,” the former firsth daughter told the participants, noting, “Zardari says Imran has been ‘sold’ before him.”

“They think that they would perform in 2018 elections through manipulation just like in Senate elections,” she said, adding that “when it comes to voting in elections, then the flood of masses cannot be prevented.”

Maryam lambasted Imran and Zardari saying that in opposition to Nawaz, they have been forced to hold rallies of 200 participants.
Claiming that her party would be voted for massively in the coming elections, she urged the masses to make an example out of those “hatching conspiracies and becoming puppets” in the elections.
Maryam also said that efforts were made to break the PML-N for the past one year, adding that some lawmakers from her party were “shuffled.”
“The ones, who are not hopeful of getting tickets from the PML-N, have been joining the PTI,” she said.

‘Call from prison’

The former first daughter further told the participants: “We are not fighting Nawaz Sharif’s battle, rather he is fighting for the 220 million people of the country.”
“Will you shout ‘Labaik’, whether Nawaz gives a call from Raiwind or prison?” she asked the crowd, to which the participants responded in affirmative.
Maryam later concluded her address thanking the participants for turning up in large numbers.

‘Maryam, brothers plundered billions through father’s help’

In reaction to Maryam’s address, PTI spokesman Fawad Chaudhry said the “narrative Maryam is selling is that they have been subjected to immense oppression.”
“But in reality, it is Pakistan and its people, who have faced oppression. Maryam and her brothers plundered billions, with the help of their father,” he said.
Chaudhry alleged that these individuals transferred this plundered wealth abroad through money laundering.