Water talks with India today

-Pakistani delegation reaches New Delhi for 2-day parleys
-Aftermath strategy to be formulated for mosoon season
-Objections over India’s attempt to construct three mega hydel projects on River Chenab to be raised

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LAHORE: A five member Pakistani delegation, led by Indus Water Commissioner Mehr Ali Shah, left for India via Wagah Border on Sunday to discuss issues pertaining to sharing of water resources under the Indus Water Agreement in New Delhi.
Speaking before his departure, Mehr Ali Shah said the two-day talks would begin in New Delhi on Monday, which would focus on issues of sharing flood data in the upcoming monsoon season.
In addition, deliberations and aftermath strategy to be formulated while assessing the forecast information regarding floods in rivers coming from India are also the part of meeting’s agenda.
Indus Water Commissioner also apprised that Pakistan would raise objections before Indian authorities over New Delhi’s attempt to construct three mega hydel projects on River Chenab.
It is pertinent to mention here the 116th meeting of the India-Pakistan Permanent Indus Commission was held in New Delhi on 23-24 March last year.
The Foreign Office in a statement said that under the relevant provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), the meeting is held annually alternately in Pakistan and India.
A host of issues related to the treaty were discussed during the meeting. Pakistan reiterated its objections to India’s water projects including Pakal Dul, Lower Kulnai, Durbuk Shyok and Nimu Chilling, read the statement.
Pakistan asked India to share data on water flows as per the provisions of the treaty following the practice in vogue since 1989. The Pakistan side emphasized the importance of early resolution of the outstanding issues in accordance with the provisions of the treaty.
Both sides agreed to make endeavours to resolve the issues, conduct tours of inspection and hold the next meeting of the commission in Pakistan at an early date.