WB approves $100 million for Punjab

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on Thursday approved $100 million for the Punjab Family Planning Programme.
The programme will provide timely access to quality family planning services free of charge, a handout from the lending institution said.
The bank said it would also institutionalise quality of care across the family planning services delivery system.
The programme will also support public information and advocacy campaigns so that more families are made aware of the benefits of family planning.
“This important programme aims to achieve universal access to reproductive healthcare and to raise the usage of family planning methods in Punjab to 60% by 2030,” said Najy Benhassine, World Bank Country Director for Pakistan.
“This is critical for Pakistan’s development, as excessive population growth rates hampers development, slows the accumulation of human capital, and contributes to keeping families in poverty.”