Webinar held on prospects of manpower export to Japan

By Asad Cheema

ISLAMABAD: A webinar on prospects of export of manpower to Japan was organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Japan on Wednesday.
The webinar was chaired by ambassador Imtiaz Ahmad and representatives from Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT), Japan International Training Organization (JITCO), Ministry of Justice, Japan, Embassy of Japan in Islamabad, organizations from Pakistan along with Japanese supervising organizations and companies attended the webinar.
Speaking on the occasion, the ambassador briefed the participants about the progress made in implementing Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) and Specified Skilled Worker Program (SSW).
He also stressed upon the importance of utilizing Pakistan’s workforce to reduce the deficit of manpower faced by Japanese society. He further said that Pakistan was gearing up to supply workforce to Japan once the Covid -19 related entry restrictions were eased by the Japanese government.