West asked to play role for solution of Kashmir issue

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry, President of Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) has called upon the European Union’s role to help resolve the longstanding Kashmir issue.
“European Union can play an important role as a mediator between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue for the sake of peace and security in the South Asian region”, AJK President said while talking to the European Union Ambassador Dr Riina Kionka and Political Consul Rukiye Komurcu, who called on him at Jammu Kashmir House here, said a press release.
He said that the long-standing dispute posed a serious threat to peace and security in South Asia. Stressing the need for early settlement of the dispute, Barrister Sultan said that the Kashmir conflict could lead to a nuclear war between the two nuclear powers, Pakistan and India. “Any mishap, no matter how small or big, can be a precursor to a nuclear war between the two nuclear neighbors,” the president said.
Talking on volatile situation prevailing in the region, the AJK President said that the European Union should appoint its special representative on Kashmir to help resolve the Kashmir issue amicably.
Meanwhile, AJK President Barrister Sultan Mehmood will begin state-wide mass public-liaison drive from Mirpur tomorrow (March 16).
A statement issued here revealed that AJK President, as part of the drive, is scheduled to attend and address an Iftar dinner to be hosted by civil society in his honor at the Quaid-e-Azam International sports Stadium in his native Mirpur city on Saturday.
Earlier, President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry announced on Thursday that Kashmiris, residing on both sides of the Line of Control and worldwide will observe January 26 as a Black Day in protest of India’s unlawful occupation of their homeland. In a statement released on Friday, the eve of Indian Republic Day, which Kashmiris celebrate as “Black Day,” the President of AJK sharply criticized India for its aggressive, illegal military occupation of a significant portion of the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Barrister Sultan said there was no moral reason for a nation that has illegally seized Jammu and Kashmir and usurped the political and human rights of the Kashmiris in flagrant violation of international law to celebrate Republic Day. He made reference to the region’s deteriorating circumstances, stating that since the Modi administration removed the region’s special status on August 5, 2019, there has been an unprecedented level of lawlessness and chaos there.
He said the Modi administration has destroyed all previous records for cruelty and savagery in the area. However, he insisted that the Indian government has not been able to weaken the political determination of Kashmiris despite employing every form of oppression. The President also praised the efforts and struggle of the Kashmiris and stated that they would not give up till they achieved their long-cherished dream of independence from India. He described the campaign for Kashmiri independence as a justifiable political conflict and stated that India needs to understand that it cannot use force to subjugate the people of Kashmir. “Kashmiris have never accepted India’s illegal occupation of their motherland nor have they accepted the Modi government’s attempted annexation of Kashmir on August 5, 2019,” he stated, referring to the people’s unwavering trust in their country’s freedom.