West blind to see China’s effective measures to contain Coronavirus

Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

As the fight against Coronavirus takes charge, the Chinese people continue to support their government over effective initiatives, which will ultimately bring positive results. It is the seriousness of the Chinese government that they completed a project of 1000 bed hospital in just 10 days, while other similar projects are underway. Similarly, the timely decision of Chinese government for restricting unnecessary traveling also need to be commended. The move will not only help in restricting the spread of the virus within China, but also around the world. As a media researcher, I am touched with reading and watching exemplary stories of Chinese people and foreigners living in China, bravely fighting the epidemic.

However, instead of showcasing the extraordinary efforts of China in terms of dealing with the epidemic, the reports in western media unfortunately somehow presented a negative side of the ongoing fight against epidemic. Nevertheless, some countries have joined hands with the Chinese government in their struggle against the so far untreatable outbreak, such as Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, and other countries. But, the US and likeminded countries seem to be taking advantage of this unprecedented situation. They use media as a tool to show negative propaganda on China and their current struggle against Coronavirus outbreak, thus turning the calamity to political scoring.

The Western media as well as Social Media have started a well organized campaign that specifically mock the Chinese food cultures which like any other culture has a culinary distinctiveness. Such as that some people eat unorthodox dishes’ with recipes that include certain animals and plants, and in many cases are based on the delusion that exotic creatures have nourishing and medicinal qualities. But like any other country, such culinary traditions are discouraged in China, and furthermore, the trading of endangered wildlife is a criminal offense. Though, the West ignored such facts, and started spreading misinformation about the crisis. As, they termed this epidemic to be caused by ‘Bat soup, and Seafood’ while, they didn’t stopped with this, they further continued to suggest in a racist way that Chinese people somehow eat ‘disgusting’ foods and meals. This linkage of epidemic to such narration shows that the West is consciously spreading misinformation to further worsen the crisis, while they ignore the persistent struggle of the Chinese government and the Chinese people in this fight against Coronavirus. The West remained disregarded of the positive steps taken by the Chinese government and adopted a narrated version to show bad image of China, as they spread video clip of a Chinese woman holding a bat with her chopsticks over a soup bowl which later was reported to be a clip from a travel promotional video filmed on the Pacific island of Palau where Bat stew is a local traditional delicacy.

Though, this is not the only clip that is used for political agendas, many other clips are disseminated online and even on main stream media which display negative picture with racists objectives. Such discriminatory acts in the time of crisis are against morality and humanity at large, and should be immediately condemned and stopped. Such negative descriptions show the insanity of Western ill-views of other cultures. In this time of need as the Chinese government maintain the fight against Coronavirus in full pace for the sake of not just Chinese nation but humanity at large. Their effective measures show that they want to contain the virus spread but unfortunately, countries like the United States, Japan and other European States have increased the risk of Virus spread across the globe with  evacuation of citizens. Though, China is providing the best medical care to any person with Coronavirus symptoms and aid to the people living in high risk cities. The government remains alert and all the people inside China’s borders are constantly kept under health monitoring mechanism. Any person who leaves building, upon arrival back to the building is checked with health monitory system. While, food supplies and preventive aids are provided to all across China. Doctors, Scientists, Experts are constantly working to come up with vaccine and soon they will find cure, till then the fight against Coronavirus will continue. Though, other nations must join hands with Chinese government, as this is not just the fight of China but is the fight of us all.

In this regard, Pakistan has applauded and firmly supports China’s efforts to combat the epidemic. Premier Imran Khan has also shown courage to mobilize all the country’s medical supplies and reserves to assist China, and will firmly stand alongside the Iron Brother in this time of need. Pakistan has shown the world that “a friend indeed is a friend in need.” Pakistan firmly stands with China at this critical moment of an epidemic outbreak. Pakistan has supplied medical gears to China to support their fight against Coronavirus.

Similarly, other countries and nations need to come forward in combating this crisis. As, sensible partnership essential for humanity to prevail and thus with cooperation and support epidemic outbreak can be defeated easily. Also, the West should show sense and avoid spreading misinformation and negative propaganda against China, all they need to do is to open eyes towards the effective measures taken by the Chinese government in this fight against Coronavirus epidemic. -The author is a staff member of The Daily Mail.