What lies beneath India’s LoC, Border hostilities

From Anjali Sharma in New Delhi, Kapil Verma in Mumbai and Bushra Makhdoom in Islamabad (Daily Mail)

The current episode of unprovoked aggression by the Indian army and Indian Border Security Force (BSF) the Line of Control (LoC) and along working boundary between Pakistan and India is part of the Hindutva doctrine that has been redefined as new security policy of India by country’s National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail.

According to The Daily Mail’s investigations, International news agency Reuters released a news report on 12th of October, 2014, stating that the current spat on LoC and Pak-India Border was result of a more assertive posture by the Indian government. “The message we have been given from the Prime Minister’s office is very clear and precise,” said a senior Indian Home Ministry official. “The Prime Minister’s office has instructed us to ensure that Pakistan suffers deep and heavy losses,” the Reuters’ report says.

Reuters further says in this report that in his first extensive comments on the violence, Modi told a political rally on Thursday – when 1,000 Indian mortars rained across into Pakistan – that “it is the enemy that is screaming”.

“The enemy has realized that times have changed and their old habits will not be tolerated,” he said. Officials say India’s new policy is being orchestrated by Ajit Doval, the country’s national security adviser.
The Reuters report further says that in August, Doval attended a meeting at the Home Ministry along with the head of the para-military Border Security Force (BSF) and a decision was taken to give a free hand to the ground commanders in Jammu, citing a top Indian security official in the region.

“It is a very tough stand that our top bosses want us to take against Pakistan and the tone is very different from the previous government,” Reuters report says, citing an official of Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, adding “The previous government indulged in lip service. Publicly the former home and defense ministers would showcase an assertive stand against Pakistan but actually neither BSF nor the army was given a free hand.”
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the trio of Ajit Kumar Doval, former Chief of Intelligence Bureau and Snajeev Tripathi, former Chief of India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Chota Rajan, an underworld Don and a cover RAW asset, remained in close association for year as part of incrementing and enhancing the Hindutva brotherhood, a group of militant Hindu fanatics that are very much against the Non Hindus in India and consider Pakistan and Pakistanis as the biggest enemies and are bent upon creating Akhand Bharat (Greater India) by including almost all the regional countries in the map of India.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that the nexus of the above mentioned trio was working for past many years and in the beginning every single individual of the trio continued to work in their respective capacities, though with shared perceptions and inputs. They kept complimenting an supplementing each other’s efforts and campaigns. However, after getting a joint platform after the formation of BJP government, the trio is conceiving and implementing joint operations and campaigns.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the most inhuman and most infamous riots of 2002 that took place in Indian state of Gujrat with Narendra Modi as Chief Minister of the state and during which thousands of Muslims of Gujrat were mercilessly butchered by fanatic Hindus while thousands of others lost their properties completely, were actually scripted by Ajit Doval, just a couple of years ahead of his retirement from the post of the chief of the Intelligence Bureau (IB). The investigations further indicate that Gujrat riots were organized as a well thought out conspiracy by the top Hindutva leaders and the master planner of Hindutva, Ajit Doval and Sanjive Tripathy both from working in IB and RAW respectively scripted the entire episode. The purpose of the Gujrat carnage was to mentally cripple the minorities across India with special focus on Muslims and to make them realize that in India, they were not safe at all unless the extremist Hindus are appeased and that they were completely on the mercy of radical Hindus with no power in the world being able to save or rescue them.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that the Hindutva script, orchestrated by Ajit Doval worked well and minorities across India are still feel haunted by the Gujrat carnage. These investigations indicate that as a reward for this “remarkable” achievement in Gujrat, Ajit Doval won the hearts of the top Hindutva leadership and he was promised to be accommodative on a highly significant post after his retirement from RAW. However, as the BJP could not come to power after Doval’s retirement, yet he was compensated as he was made the Director of the Vivekananda International Foundation, a think tank set up by the Vivekananda Kendra, a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) affiliated organisation, propagating the Hindutva prophesy.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal the After this assignment, Ajit Doval enhanced his activities and started a larger liaison with like-minded extremist Hindus and formed a special alliance with Sanjive Tripathy of RAW, Colonel Shrikant Purohit of Indian Military Intelligence, General Premnath Hoon , Colonel Jayant Chitale etc for the multiplicity of Hindutva terror. From this platform, Ajit Doval started working on a unique theory of politicize the army and militarize the nation. For the purpose, he focused in recruitment of extremist Hindus as officers and soldiers in Indian army and formed a rather comprehensive network in this direction with the support of top anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim army officers like the then Lt. General VK Singh ( though a non practicing Sikh by religion) and mid level officers like Col Shrikant Purohit and Colonel Chitale.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that two names that surfaced in press after Gujrat carnage, General (retd.) Premnath Hoon former Chief of Western Command and who after retirement became Chief of Shiv Sena’s Military Wing and Colonel (retd.) Jayant Chitale, had served on deputation with RAW imparting training on the Sri Lankan Tamil militants. Col (retd.) Jayant Chitale also headed the Army Services Selection Board Centre in Pune for several years, where he was able to select Hindutva militant sympathizers for regular commission in the army. Col (retd.) Chitale kept a contact with these recruits and commissioned officers who through normal and sponsored progression in their careers went on to assume many responsible and important posts in the Indian army.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that after the Doval’s project met with enormous success and quite a handsome alliance was formed between extremist Hindus and likeminded officers of the Indian army, a new extremist group with the name of Abhinav Bharat was formed to keep the army-extremists nexus intact.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the in-depth probe carried out by Chief of Mumbai Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) Hemant Karkare into Samjhauta Express terrorist attack and the Malegaon and Mecca Masjid bombings, clearly exposed the Hindutva-Indian army nexus and came us a great setback for Ajit Doval’s plan.

According to The Daily Mail’s investigations, the audio tapes recovered during Karkare investigations crystal clearly indicate the alarming state of affairs in the Indian army with regard to its nexus of evils with extremist radical Hindu militants and their future plans. These investigations indicate that that there were a total of ten serving and retired Indian army officers, whose names figured in the above mentioned audio tapes. There were however, clear indications that the network had deep institutional roots in Indian army from top officers to the low levels of ordinary soldiers. At least four of the officers, named in the recordings had an MI background. Apart from Lt. Col Purohit and Maj Upadhyay, there were names of General JJ Singh -Purohit’s mentor in Maratha Regiment, Brig Mathur (full name not known, but he was apparently posted at Deolali Cantonment near Nashik); Col Hasmukh Patel. A JNU graduate, Patel was commissioned into the Infantry Jat Regiment and later detailed with the MI. He is considered a specialist in threat analysis, background checks, physical- electronic-aviation security, vigilance, investigations, disaster management, negotiation and loss prevention. The investigators are understood to have questioned him . Col Shailesh Raikar is a retired commandant, who belonged to the Maratha Regiment. According to the recordings, Raikar was commander of the Bhosla Military Academy in Nashik. He provided academy facilities to Purohit and other Abhinav Bharat members for weapons training. Others named in the tapes were Col. Aditya Bappaditya Dhar ; Maj. Nitin Joshi and Maj. Prayag Modak. No concrete action was ever initiated by the investigators against them. Apart from these men, there was a Brig. Lajpat Prajwal, posted on deputation with the Nepal Army. According to the tapes, Purohit and Brig Prajwal had trained together at Indian Military Academy (IMA) and that Purohit was in constant touch with him for logistic support.
Although, Lt. Col Purohit was arrested, Indian Army has still not proceeded against other officers involved or initiated court martial.

The Daily Mail’s investigations further indicate that Doval was asked by Hindutva leadership to carry on with his plan that was actually the continuity of Gujrat plan for 2002 and was asked to wait till the formation of BJP government and after the formation of BJP government, Ajit Doval was straightaway named as the ” National Security Advisor” of India.

It remains a fact that a classified US diplomatic cable (declassified by wikileaks), sent from US Embassy in New Delhi to Washington, in 2005, it was stated that Ajit Doval had very close relations with terrorists and top criminal rackets like the high profile Chota Rajan Gang and he was arrested by Mumbai police in a raid on the roads of New Delhi as he was accompanying Vicky Malhotra, number 2 of the Chota Rajan Gang, in a car. The US embassy had shown its deep concerns over the fact that the IB Chief of India had such deep-rooted connections with Most Wanted criminals.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that just within a couple of months after assuming the post of NSA, Doval and the members of his trio jointly formed a new Security Policy for India and as a result, first water terrorism was unleashed on Pakistan and later the LoC and Working boundary aggression was initiated and the purpose was same that was there in 2002 at Gujrat i.e to give people living on both sides of LoC as well near the working boundary between Pakistan and India, a feeling that they are merely on the mercy of Indians as it was understood that Pakistani leadership, that is going desperate to be extraordinarily friendly with India will order any befitting and strong retaliation to any such unprovoked aggression from Indian side.

Though the Indian High Commissioner in Pakistan has been telling Pakistani journalists that India had nothing to do with water terrorism in Pakistan that took place in summers this year and was unleashed via River Jehlum and River Chennab and said that since India was having no water project on these river, there was no proof of Indian unleashing the water terror, he blatantly skipped to admit that at least 30 of top water projects were located on these river including the mega project of the most controversial Baghliar Dam.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that such a move by Indian troops with a fanatic Hindus’ party government being in power at New Delhi is nothing new as similar incidents took place in BJP’s previous tenure at New Delhi. These investigations indicate that back in 2000, just like the current scenario, BJP government held a special meeting to review the National Security mechanism.

According to these investigations, on 24th February 2000, a review of national security was held under the Subramanyam committee that recommended a new “national security planning”. Just a day after this meeting, Indian troops started completely unprovoked shelling on Pakistan along the LoC. In the backdrop of this heavy shelling, some 15 commandos of Indian army crossed over to Pakistani side of LoC and entered Lanjot village of Azad Kashmir and killed 13 innocent civilians, including four children including a 2 year old in a rapid operation and fled back to Indian side of LoC on the night of 25th February 2000. British newspaper The Guardian, in its Edition of 26 February, 2000, citing Pakistani military officials said that the plan was well conceived with thorough preparation and the Indian Commandos knew that Pakistani troops in the area were very much engaged by Indian gunners via extensive shelling.

Some security analysts are of the view that that current episode of creating a war like situation at the LoC and Pak-India border by the Indian troops is part of an international conspiracy against Pakistan army. These analysts believe that the enormous success of Pakistan army in mega anti terrorism operation in Waziristan, code named ‘Operation Zarb-e-Azb’is one of the core reasons behind this conspiracy. These security experts believe that to undermine Pakistan army sizzling success in Zarb-e-Azb, different international forces are engaged in making the Pakistan Army’s leadership as controversial. They say that under this conspiracy, first such a political scenario was created in Pakistan under which army leadership should be left with no option but to intervene into political affairs of the country. However this bid, due to intensive consideration of the situation and owing to extreme professionalism on part of military Commanders and the Army Chief of Pakistan, fizzled out very badly and after that the ploy to drag Pakistan army into yet another controversy, right in the middle of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the unprovoked aggression at the LoC and working boundary by Indian troops has been organized.

Though many journalists and intellectuals give mammoth weight to this argument yet many disagree with it too and they says that Indians have made this move solely, without any foreign collaborator as they believe that Pakistan’s political leadership is at odds with military leadership and furthermore the political leaders are having high fifnacial and business stakes in India and thus they wond adopt any aggressive stance over such and aggression and hostilities by from Indian side and that is what will help India achieve required goals of promoting the Gujrat Riots prophecy of Ajit Dugal and Hindutva top brass.

Sources here in the Delhi’s Ministry of External Affairs , revealed to The Daily Mail that the Indian government, via its High Commission in Islamabad, received a visa application by Mr. Mian Salman Shabaz Shrif, to visit India on a business trip. Salman Shabaz, who is the son of Punjab Chief Minister Shabaz Sharif and Nephew of Parime Minister Nawaz, Sharif, according External Affairs Ministry sources, has applied the visa application along with the project head of Chinniot Power Company and desires to hold meeting with Greensole Power Company of India to acquire 2 power generation units, each of 30 Megawatts for Sharif family’s sugar mill near Chinniot. This application, according to MEA sources, was received by Indian High Commission in Islamabad on 24th of September when on the other side, the Indian aggression on the LoC and working boundary was on full throttle and many innocent Pakistani civilians had been killed by Indian guns and shells and the entire nations was wondering as to why the Sharif government was keeping mum over the issue and was not taking up it at all with the Modi government.

According to Virat Sinha, a local analyst here in New Delhi, if the political leaders of Pakistan were engaged in such business ventures in Pakistan, they cannot take a hard stance against Modi government over such patty and routine matters of LoC firing. ” In such fragile business relation, they cannot affort to annoy Modi Sarkar ( government) and thus this is the best time for Indians to teach a lesson to Pakistani generals and to tell them as to who was the boss here in the region”, asserted Sinha.

However, the business community in India does not agree with what Sinha says. They think that Pakistan India trade ties must expand and flourish. “Nawaz Sharif’s government in Pakistan is a business friendly government as and his family are themselves a family of entrepreneurs and thus they know the importance of trade ties amongst the nations for the economic development of the nations. Pakistan and India are both having their people living below poverty lines and in this scenario, enhanced trade ties between the 2 nations will have a great impact on the lives of people of both countries and will help in introducing large scale poverty elevation both in Pakistan and India. I very strongly believe that the business visits like the one Salman Shabaz is paying to India should be encouraged and hawkish elements should be discouraged”. Said Ashish Trivedi of Mumbai’s flourishing garments Industry. He said that since government of Shahbaz Sharif was inaugurating a Garments City near Lahore, in Pakistani Punjab, there was every likelihood of Indian garment manufacturers to invest there.

However certain Pakistani traders are not very much in favor of expanding business and trade ties with India amidst such an hostile attitude that has been adopted by Delhi. Despite having much desire for having trade and business ties with India, these Pakistani entrepreneurs are finally caught by emotions of patriotism and say that having trade with India was very good for local market and national economy yet there had to be an amicable environment for the purpose. ” yes I would love to ship my products to India and to have return shipments from there, yet I cannot imagine of having this amidst what is going on at LoC and on the Border. For this business I cannot play with the sacrifices of thousands of innocent Kashmiris and those who live on the LoC and near border with India. There has to be an atmosphere of equality and bilateral respect before initiating any trade or business deal with India”, said Amjad Chaudhary, a flourishing business tycoon in the field of textile and rice exports in Faisalabad city of Pakistan while talking to this scribe over the phone line.

Pakistan and India have fought at least three wars over Kashmir dispute. With India remains defiant to UN resolution on giving right of self determination to people of India Occupied Kashmir, Pakistan is continuing with extending full moral and diplomatic support to people of Occupied Kashmir and their political leaders. With India hurling allegations of Pakistani intelligence ISI having some role in insurgency in Occupied Kashmir, it also remains a fact that the occupying troops of Indian army are having draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) and POTA to justify all their brutalities and crimes similar to the war crimes in the India occupied part of the Himalayan valley .