When the Premier himself disgraces the Nation

By Makhdoom Babar

On the sidelines of SCO Summit in Russia, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif held an hour-long round of talks with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi. The meeting was not accidental or unscheduled as Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and India’s Ministry of External Affairs had long ago announced the possibility of the said meeting. It means that both the foreign policy tools of Delhi and Islamabad had been working over the agenda of the said meeting.

However, to every Pakistani’s dismay, Prime Minister, did not utter a single word over Kashmir neither did he divulged on BBC exposure of RAW’s involvement in terror funding in Pakistan,  specially in Karachi and Baluchistan,set aside the exposure of the same by Pakistani security agencies and Pakistani media. To add salt to the injury, when the Indian Premier opted to discuss the 26/11 Mumbai attack issue, Pakistani Premier did not bother to take up the issue of probe on Samjhauta Express terror attack by Indi’s military intelligence officials with the connivance of Hindu extremist groups. He did not make any demand from the Indian Premier for taking to the task those who killed over 170 innocent Pakistanis via Samjhauta Express Train terror attack and were booked and charge sheeted to be proven guilty but India’s own investigating agencies but there was still no progress on the case. But He in fact very conveniently agreed to gear up the process of netting the so-called perpetuators of 26/11 Mumbai attack. It remains a fact that all the nominated accused of 26/11 have already been cleared by Pakistani Courts as the evidences provided against them by India turned out to be completely insufficient and rather bogus.

All Prime Minister Sharif did during his meeting with Indian counterpart was that he gave maximum favors to India like agreeing to move forward on 26/11 bogus case, agreeing to free fishermen with in fifteen days of arrest ( it remains a fact that there has always been a very higher number of Indian fishermen, arrested for maritime violations if compared with those of Pakistani fishermen so the main beneficiary of any such move is absolutely India) and to top the entire episode, he extended invitation to Narendra Modi, who just few days back very proudly admitted of his country playing the key role in disintegration of East Pakistan in 1971 and who is a constant and staunch opponent of China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC). He invited Modi in the presence of highly credible internationally made  evidences of his government being behind the terror across Pakistan.

What more disgrace can a Prime Minister himself inflict on his own nation?

The Daily Mail very strongly believes that a juncture of time when China was taking a very firm stand on denouncing Indian propaganda against Pakistan over 26/11 and was fully supporting Pakistan at all the regional and international forums, at a stage of history when Russia was getting deeply engaged with Pakistan and was offering Islamabad full cooperation in all fields, why Pakistani Premier had to adopt a rather apologetic approach while holding talks with Indian Premier? At a time when it was a perfect stage available to make India answerable to what it is and what it has been doing in Pakistan, why  Pakistani Premier did not avail the opportunity? Why when the Army Chief was not leaving any forum and any opportunity to advocate for the cause of struggling people of occupied Kashmir, the Premier of the country did not utter a single word over the same?

To The Daily Mail, there appears to be only one single answer to these questions and that is that when country would be having a Premier whose family is deeply engaged in doing multi-dollar private business with India, Pakistani should expect the same what Nawaz Sharif did while during his meeting with Modi.

The Daily Mail very strongly believes that while the nation is witnessing a process of getting the things in order with regard to terrorism, corruption and political dishonesties, there it is time that it should be made very clear that anyone who prefers to run his business, should not be allowed to become the Premier of President of Pakistan. It has to be made clear that a person must choose between running private business empires or to run the affairs of the country and the nation. The Daily Mail is of the firm opinion that if the Prime Minister’s family would continue to carry on with the business projects like the one they running at Chinniot where they have 37 engineers from India to work and where they have highly expensive machines installed, purchased from India, the nation will continue to suffer the same disgrace.