WHO grants medical supplies to Bishkek

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: As part of the response to COVID-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic, the World Health Organization (WHO) handed over 100 oxygen concentrates to the Ministry of Health, the press service of the ministry said.
The total cost of the humanitarian aid is USD 59 thousand. Oxygen concentrators are extremely important for the treatment of respiratory infections. The concentrators deliver clean, high quality oxygen at the appropriate concentration needed to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients with low blood oxygen levels. These funds were provided at the request of the government to support efforts to respond to COVID-19. The Ministry of Health plans to distribute oxygen concentrators throughout the country.
“This humanitarian assistance is part of the fight against COVID-19 and mitigating its impact on the country’s health system. The support is expected to help strengthen the health care system and give additional impetus to our joint efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” Nazira Artykova, WHO Representative in Kyrgyzstan said.
“The Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic expresses its gratitude to the World Health Organization for the assistance and support provided to the health care system of the Kyrgyz Republic. WHO provides comprehensive assistance to Kyrgyzstan in the fight against coronavirus infection. We have already received several shipments of humanitarian aid. We hope that our joint and fruitful work for the benefit of preserving the health of our citizens will be successfully continued,” Deputy Minister of Health Madamin Karataev said.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO has donated personal protective equipment and PCR test kits to Kyrgyzstan to respond to COVID-19. In addition, WHO has donated stocks of laboratory consumables for sample collection and testing (tubes, swabs, kits, reagents, etc.).
WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan through online training cycles for health workers, including laboratory professionals, primary health care providers, hospitals, and public health professionals, to respond to COVID-19.
This assistance is being provided as part of the Emergency Response Coordination Team (EMERCOM) Joint Humanitarian Response, which was activated on March 16, 2020 at the request of the government to assist in emergency preparedness and response to COVID-19 and preparing for early recovery.