Wife killed over cookery row in India

BANGALORE: A 30-year old Indian businessman from Bangalore has been arrested for beating his wife to death after she refused to cook fried chicken for him Indian media reported Tuesday.
Mubarak Pasha came under the police radar when the parents of his wife, Shirin Banu, 28, reported that their daughter had been missing since the night of August 18.
The police launched a search for the missing wife and questioned the family.Pasha avoided the police which in turn increased their probing.
On Monday, Pasha visited the police station with his lawyer and confessed to killing his wife and dumping her body in a lake.
The deceased wife, Banu was a homemaker and mother of three children. Pasha reportedly sells beds and pillows.
Pasha narrated the incident that he had asked Banu to cook fried chicken on August 18. When Pasha returned, his wife had not cooked the said dish and when he questioned her, she responded arrogantly.
In a fit of rage, Pasha smashed Banu’s head with a wooden log. Pasha informed police that the children were asleep when he killed his wife.
Pasha then proceeded to wrap Banu’s body in a bag and carried it to a lake on his bike where he disposed of her body.–Agencies