Will undergo COVID-19 test again after 15-day isolation: Sindh governor

KARACHI: Sindh Governor Imran Ismail said on Monday that he will undergo COVID-19 test again as he completed 15 days in isolation. Governor Imran Ismailsaid that he faced all symptoms of COVID-19 after tested positive for the virus. “I felt that I am not infected with coronavirus during the initial days but the symptoms emerged afterwards. I will undergo for COVID-19 test again in one or two days.” The governor said that he has completed 15-day isolation today and witnessed a very different world during the period. The 15 days were very difficult to him, however, he paid full attention to his health, said Imran Ismail. Ismail said that he was infected with the virus due to his own carelessness. To a question, he replied that a summary had been forwarded by the Sindh government which was returned later as the provincial authorities could not instruct the federal government to waive bills. On April 27, Sindh Governor Imran Ismailhad tested positive for coronavirus.