Winners of Lunar Astrophotography revealed

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s national space agency SUPARCO (Space and Atmosphere Research Commission) has announced the names of the winners of ‘Lunar Astrophotography Contest’ arranged to commemorate the International Moon Day.
The competition witnessed participation from the astrophotographers across the country.
According to an official of SUPARCO, among large number of entries submitted by the astrophotographers from across the country, Dr. Ahmed Naeem obtained first position.
Rayan Imran and Adeel Shafiq shared the second position in the contest while the third position was clinched by Abdul Wahab.
The contest was held under the theme “Illuminating the Shadows”. The astrography enthusiast from across the country submitted geotagged images with their name and location as well as time when picture was taken to become the part of the contest by July 21 (12:00 am).
The contest was arranged by the Space Education and Awareness Drive (SEAD) which is an initiative under the ambit of SUPARCO’s Space Education and Awareness Programme to enthuse students and the general public through activities, competitions and space news.