Woman martyred by unprovoked Indian firing along the LoC: FO

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Foreign Office summoned India’s Deputy High Commissioner, as yet another ceasefire violation by India along the Line of Control (LoC) claimed a woman’s life.
The Foreign Office summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner JP Singh and recorded protest over unprovoked firing by Indian troops in Nakyal sector, in which a woman was martyred, the Foreign Office said in a statement.
South Asia Director General and Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal handed over the protest letter to the Indian diplomat, in which Pakistan again called on India to abide by the ceasefire agreement.
Indian forces have carried out nearly 400 ceasefire violations along the LoC and the Working Boundary so far this year, resulting in the killing of dozens of civilians and injuries to over 65.
This unprecedented escalation in ceasefire violations by India has continued from 2017, when the Indian forces committed more than 1,970 ceasefire violations.