Women’s voting irks: Sherry

ISLAMABAD: PPP Senator Sherry Rehman said Sunday she is “deeply concerned” over the “deliberate restrictions on women’s voting” in the Gilgit Baltistan Election 2020, and voiced worry over alleged rigging at the polling stations.
Sherry Rehman said any attempts to deprive women of their right to vote in the election are “unacceptable” and called for GB Chief Election Commissioner Raja Shehbaz Khan to immediately intervene and resolve the issue.
The PPP leader alleged that the observers of the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN), a non-profit NGO, had been removed from polling stations. “FAFEN observers should be at the polling stations during the counting of votes” and “should be permitted to remain at the polling stations”, she said, adding that there were 600 observers.
“The absence of observers at the polling station raises questions about the transparency of the election,” she said, warning that such incidents could damage the credibility of the Gilgit Baltistan election. Earlier in the day, the PPP leader had raised the issue of the FAFEN observers allegedly not being let inside the polling stations on Twitter, calling for the Election Commission to take note. “How are some form 45s filled before polling closes! Let observers into the polling stations and GB Election Commission, act NOW! This is open, flagrant rigging,” she wrote. – PNP