'World must recognize India's State terror'

DM Monitoring

ISLAMABAD: President Arif Alvi has urged the world community to recognize the state terrorism that India is perpetrating in occupied Kashmir and against its minorities.
In an interview with Radio Pakistan, he said the world cannot act as a silent spectator on the situation in occupied Kashmir. The president said there is great resentment in occupied Kashmir against the Indian illegal actions and the Indian authorities will see the reaction once it lifts the curfew.
He reiterated Pakistan’s demand for an immediate lifting of curfew and communication blackout in occupied Kashmir, adding that the media should be allowed to visit the valley to ascertain the facts.
“Kashmiris should not lose hope as God Almighty will steer them out of this trial,” he said. The ugly and evil face of India stands exposed before the world with the kind of atrocities it has committed against the innocent Kashmiri people and New Delhi is not left with any argument or logic today, the president asserted.

Alvi said India has been using pellet guns against the Muslim population of occupied Kashmir over the last four or five years, they have rendered one hundred thousand lives in their just struggle for the right to self-determination.
“Pakistan will always stand by their Kashmiri brethren in this just struggle. Pakistan has always raised Kashmir dispute at all the international fora,” he said highlighting the strong bonds between Pakistanis and Kashmiris.
Responding to a question about Pakistan’s efforts for the plight of Kashmiri people, the president said Prime Minister Imran Khan has proved himself as a true ambassador of the oppressed people. He said the Prime Minister forcefully and eloquently presented the Kashmir cause at the UN General Assembly and unmasked the extremist face of India.
He continued that the PM’s speech was also reflective of the aspirations of the entire Muslim Ummah.
President Alvi thanked China, Turkey, Malaysia and other countries who supported the stance of Pakistan on Kashmir. He said the US President Donald Trump has repeatedly offered mediation but India is not ready for it. “If India is not ready for mediation, then it should sit with Pakistan and Kashmiris for the resolution of the dispute.”