World pressed to halt cyber crimes

——- Islamabad seeks int’l efforts to counter cyber warfare
——- Recalls Indian network’s disinformation drive

UNITED NATIONS: A senior Pakistani diplomat has called for developing a legally-binding international instrument to address growing “malicious activities” in cyberspace, such as the involvement of an Indian network running a vicious disinformation campaign against Pakistan that a European monitoring group uncovered some five years ago.
“This was a systematic and state-led campaign carried out to spread disinformation, and misuse the UN as well as European institutions with the aim of maligning Pakistan,” Ambassador Munir Akram told a United Nations Security Council high-level debate on evolving threats in cyberspace, convened by South Korea, the 15-member body’s president for June.
Stressing that several countries, including Pakistan, are victims of disinformation, the Pakistani envoy highlighted the 2019 and 2020 reports from the EU DisinfoLab, a Brussels-based NGO, regarding anti-Pakistan propaganda and cyberwarfare against Pakistan involving more than 10 so-called non-governmental organizations fraudulently accredited to the UN Human Rights Council; more than 750 fake media outlets and 550 fake websites even resurrecting dead people.
“The exposé on disinformation campaign by EU Disinfolab requires global attention,” the Pakistani envoy said, noting that cyberwarfare has emerged as an important domain of warfare by State and non-State actors
“We must develop modalities to prevent such illegal and blatant misuse of cyber tools to promote the narratives and objectives of the hostile States,” he added.
In this regard, Ambassador Akram recalled the General Assembly’s 2021 adoption by consensus of a resolution on disinformation, sponsored by Pakistan, that affirmed the responsibility of States to counter the dissemination of disinformation that undermines the promotion of peace and the cooperation among states.
“As a victim of continuing hostile cyber- and other propaganda, Pakistan remains committed to countering the virus of disinformation,” he said.
“We will promote action on this through international cooperation, including under the auspices of the United Nations.” –Agencies